Come share Spoken Word poetry in a friendly, comfortable place with eats and drinks!
Contact Info and Next Event Date
Contact: writejeanette at yahoo dot com Next GOMPR: Tues, January 28, 2025 at 7pm at Flanagan’s Pub in the Geneva Old Town, SwitzerlandAddress: Rue du Cheval-Blanc 4 Special joint event with the Geneva Writers Group on Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 7pm at Flanagan’s Pub in the Geneva Old Town, SwitzerlandAddress: Rue du Cheval-Blanc 4…Read more
GOMPR Schedule
The GOMPR is currently hosting in-person events on Tuesdays every other month and online events (GOMPRO) sporadically. Complicated… I know. But unavoidable. Le GOMPR organise actuellement des événements en personne le mardi tous les deux mois et événements en ligne (GOMPRO) de manière sporadique. Compliqué… Je sais. Mais inévitable. . See for details.Voir…Read more
What is the GOMPR?
The GOMPR is an environment dedicated to promoting Spoken Word poetry in the Geneva, Switzerland area in English and French. Le GOMPR est un environnement dédié à la promotion de la poésie parlée dans la région de Genève, en Suisse, en anglais et en français. We hope to provide a place where poetry lovers can…Read more